Monday, April 1, 2013

Why Herbalife?

        This is the question what I'm asking myself for almost five months and every time I got something new to add, a new reason why I chose this new lifestyle. If it is healthy or efficient is not a debate anymore. Milions of people from all the world are consuming, top sport representatives are recommending, a laureate of the Nobel prize in Medicine and very famous doctors, nutritionists are developing these products. And even like this my own experience and results with the consumption of Herbalife is making me proud that I chose this lifestyle. First time in my life I could lose weight without feeling hunger, without being frustrated because I have to renounce on my favourite foods. First time in my life I'm losing weight, but in the same time I have a lot of energy, I'm much more active than before, and after every day and every month I feel more and more motivated to have a healthy lifestyle, to learn more and more about nutrition, to be healthy and to help others to be healthy and pleased with their lives. And I feel that this is just the beginning.
        However, I knew that there is much more behind the trust in the products and in the company. I wanted to discover and to define the reason what will keep me motivated and trustful in Herbalife. And finding it was a process. A process which revealed me that actually I wasn't searching the motives to trust Herbalife, but the motives to trust myself. I mean Herbalife is there for everybody with its great products and mission to change people's lives, but it's us, who don't want to realize and take the great opportunity for a majore change.
         The best way to find the trust in myself was when I decided to open my mind and accept that a better life is not something sci-fi and actually it will be possible if I believe that it can happen. In that moment I became open to new things and I recognized the chance offered by Herbalife and signed the licence. Athough the firs step was made, the mind is still sending the deviating messages which start with "what if...?". At this point is really necessary to find the true reason for the choice we made, but this is possible just staying close to people who passed over these difficulties and in a motivating, positive environment. All this was offered together with the licence and even much more. A personal coach helped me with the weight-control program, a whole team offered ther friendships and the educational system taught step by step how to work and what to do to can help other people to be healty and wealthy. And even like this I needed more than four months to realize why I want this lifestyle and the job of wellness consultant.

         There are four things which helped me to clear my vision about why I want it and what I want from it. The personal results, the performant educational system, the histories of succesful people and the unique humane mission of the company. Attending the trainings and events called Tour of Experts I realized that successful people achieved wealth and recognition by making healthy and wealthy many other people. At this level their results are not impressing just by the big amounts they earn month by month, but their team of distribuitors, who are grateful for the chance they got for a better life and the big number of clients who are grateful for being healthier. I was really amazed how noble, generous and modest are all the experts, how much attention they are giving even to the 'smallest' person, and I learnt from them that the first thing we have to do for success is to love people and to want to help them. This mission can change the world if there will be enough believers, who will take action based on these principles.
         Where on Earth can we find wealthy people, who gained their wealth by helping the others to become healthy, wealthy and happy? I'm convinced now that the answer is: WHERE EXITS HERBALIFE.