Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Is LOVE blind?

    Speaking with somebody whose romantic life was quite complicated in the last year made me think about this. Considering more this issue I had to realize that she is not just the only one from my friends who was involved in a relationship which wasn't working, and even like this the partners weren't able to broke up. Looking from outside this kind of relationships we wouldn't be able to understand why they are keeping together, if they can't be happy anymore. I asked for several times these people, why they don't broke up and most frequently the answer was: 'I still love him/her'. It sounds pathetic when this kind of words are coming from people who were involved in a relationship which made them to suffer, to lose self-confidence or even it was humiliating them.
   Is this feeling really out of our control? I can't imagine how can somebody love a person who is hurting him/her or humiliating him/her voluntarily? Nobody gave me a logic explanation. Why is it accepted this situation? Is it so difficult to realize that after a major incidence the couple's life won't be never like before? Or is it just me who is overreacting this? I'm convinced that every relationship should be built on mutual respect, good communication and honesty. Without these I can't see how could be harmony in a couple's life. Of course there are many other important factors which can influence a relationship, but if these three exist problems can be resolved.
   Anybody who has an answer for my questions, please comment because sometimes I don't know how to advice my friends in this kind of situations. I simply can't understand why do they allow to suffer in the name of love. Why can love mean pain and humiliation for some people?

Friday, April 13, 2012

Captivated by "Lost"

   I was never into American series, but "Lost" took my attention after a few episodes and I think that now I don"t have escape, I will have to follow it until the end, if all the seasons will prove to be as interesting as the first two seasons. The most captivating for me are the characters, more than the action itself. Everybody's psychological identity is built complex, revealed step by step, The insight in the past is inserted in the right time, giving a clue about what follows, and what is very interesting that every character has it's role and place in the story.
   Arriving until the first episodes of the second season I can't figure out what will happen, probably that's why I am still interested to continue to watch. It's curious that the characters appear very different after the crush, surviving at the island, than they are showed in the sequences of their past lives. Will the island really change them, or sooner or later their real personality will come on the surface? Of course, if they don't die. It seems that  with the tragedy what they lived at the time of the plane crush and arrival of the island, some of the survivors are getting a new chance in their lives. The question is: they will ba able to use it?
   The main figures of the series are haunted by their past, tormented by their subconsciousness, when their major problem should be to survive in an unknown place, surrounded from everywhere with danger. However, they are totally strangers for each other, the flight was the only common thing between them at the beginning, but at the island their fate seems to be linked, and apparently a connection start to be created between their present and also their past.This is what makes difference from the other American series: psychological exploration.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Post-Easter thoughts seems to me one of the most controversial events/holidays of the year. It would imply to live too many emotions if we want to interpret it in the religious point of view. It implies many oppositions like death-resurrection, pain-joy, sadness-happiness, etc. It's quite confusing, and possibly many people will never get into the religious meaning of Easter. I think I'm one of them. This year meant for me to spend more time with my family and my closest friends, not to suffer and revive after that.
Probably it's not the right attitude for celebrating Easter, but I didn't want to feel depressed at all in this few days I had on my disposition to spend with my family, so I didn't really think about the religious meaning. I know it's wrong, but I tried to ignore it. Sometimes the purpose of the holiday is over-dramatized, people thinking that if they assume the pain and sufferance of Jesus, they can purify themselves. I'm not convinced that this is true. I don't demand it to be wrong, everybody can decide alone in what to believe, but somebody's life or personality can't be changed just by overtaking the pains of the person considered the salvation of the humanity.