Monday, April 1, 2013

Why Herbalife?

        This is the question what I'm asking myself for almost five months and every time I got something new to add, a new reason why I chose this new lifestyle. If it is healthy or efficient is not a debate anymore. Milions of people from all the world are consuming, top sport representatives are recommending, a laureate of the Nobel prize in Medicine and very famous doctors, nutritionists are developing these products. And even like this my own experience and results with the consumption of Herbalife is making me proud that I chose this lifestyle. First time in my life I could lose weight without feeling hunger, without being frustrated because I have to renounce on my favourite foods. First time in my life I'm losing weight, but in the same time I have a lot of energy, I'm much more active than before, and after every day and every month I feel more and more motivated to have a healthy lifestyle, to learn more and more about nutrition, to be healthy and to help others to be healthy and pleased with their lives. And I feel that this is just the beginning.
        However, I knew that there is much more behind the trust in the products and in the company. I wanted to discover and to define the reason what will keep me motivated and trustful in Herbalife. And finding it was a process. A process which revealed me that actually I wasn't searching the motives to trust Herbalife, but the motives to trust myself. I mean Herbalife is there for everybody with its great products and mission to change people's lives, but it's us, who don't want to realize and take the great opportunity for a majore change.
         The best way to find the trust in myself was when I decided to open my mind and accept that a better life is not something sci-fi and actually it will be possible if I believe that it can happen. In that moment I became open to new things and I recognized the chance offered by Herbalife and signed the licence. Athough the firs step was made, the mind is still sending the deviating messages which start with "what if...?". At this point is really necessary to find the true reason for the choice we made, but this is possible just staying close to people who passed over these difficulties and in a motivating, positive environment. All this was offered together with the licence and even much more. A personal coach helped me with the weight-control program, a whole team offered ther friendships and the educational system taught step by step how to work and what to do to can help other people to be healty and wealthy. And even like this I needed more than four months to realize why I want this lifestyle and the job of wellness consultant.

         There are four things which helped me to clear my vision about why I want it and what I want from it. The personal results, the performant educational system, the histories of succesful people and the unique humane mission of the company. Attending the trainings and events called Tour of Experts I realized that successful people achieved wealth and recognition by making healthy and wealthy many other people. At this level their results are not impressing just by the big amounts they earn month by month, but their team of distribuitors, who are grateful for the chance they got for a better life and the big number of clients who are grateful for being healthier. I was really amazed how noble, generous and modest are all the experts, how much attention they are giving even to the 'smallest' person, and I learnt from them that the first thing we have to do for success is to love people and to want to help them. This mission can change the world if there will be enough believers, who will take action based on these principles.
         Where on Earth can we find wealthy people, who gained their wealth by helping the others to become healthy, wealthy and happy? I'm convinced now that the answer is: WHERE EXITS HERBALIFE.

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Strong focus=Force for action


     When I remember how I was one year ago I have to admit that I lke the difference. Because in normal conditions I would be sleeping or craving for my bed after a very tiring nightshift like I had tonight. But I'm not anymore in normal conditions, because I know what I want and how to get it. So despite of sleeping I'm having a hidratating mask on my face and I'm preparing to drink my delicious vanillia shake, feeling very enthusiastic about the training which will follow in one hour.
     Even though I like very much this attitude, sometimes I'm asking myself how did I arrive to be so positive and optimistic, because I wasn't characterized at all with these qualities, and even in the last period I had a decay from optimism. I'm quite sure that this is the result of defining my goals and the strong wish to transform them in reality.
     I can tell now that it's not a big deal. However, concentration on goals is essential, because these qualities can be easily lost. But I have very clearly set what I want and I know that this training will contribute to achieve it. So I don't feel tired at all. As I came out from the office at 9 a.m. the tiredness was left there. 

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Doing what I like

              All my life I had the wish to be independent, to have a professionally active lifestyle which will allow me to live as I dream. I had to realize that this implies to define my goals, to make a plan how to realize them and take the right action to achieve these goals. So far so good, this seems to be easy at the beginning, but actually it is not.Taking te initiative and the courage to start something new, something mine is the first step toward my dreams, but it took many years for me to realize this.
               I truly believe in the saying that "DO WHAT YOU LIKE  AND YOU WON'T WORK EVEN ONE DAY IN YOUR LIFE". I don't presume that it will be easy to have the dream-job, actually I think that it's an enormous challenge just to realize what is exactly the profession which has the capacity to fulfill dreams and expectations. It's a process to find it, or many times it is not achievable in traditional ways, so it has to be created. I know it sounds weird to create a job, but people with initiative know what I mean and in the next posts of this blog this idea will get sense, because I want to give it a personalized sense.
              My experience reflects that ideas and solutions are comming very often from unexpected sources. Important was for me that I knew to recognize the chance and to not get scared when the challenges and difficlties are appearing. There are opportunities which can work just after time, much work and study, development, self-improvement and persistence. So working part-time near a full-time job is a good option. This is the way I want to do, heading toward what I want, following a plan. I don't want to dream anymore, I want to plan. When I arrived to realize that I can't have a life which implies continous fight for a living, waiting desperately for the salary and being forced to take second jobs to can make economy or to can afford a cheap holiday one time in a year, I knew that there is no way back and I have to take action in this sense. I want to work hard, but doing something what I like and what brings benefits to me.
             This blog is part of my future project, I have a passion for writing, but I had lack of inspiration. I didn't know about what exactly I want o write, so my posst were poor and quite mediocre until now. My purpose is to share ideas which can help people or which can motivate for personal development. This idea is also an impuls after I started reading motivational and personal development materials and realized how much I enjoy them because they are offering practical solutions and advices for how to face challenges and transform them in success.

             But as I mentioned writing this blog will be the most pleasant part, which will help me to keep motivated and focused, but my main interest is around health, wellness and self-education. Why health and wellness? I have a personal reason, which is my permanent desire from childhood to have normal weight and no health problems. From the age of 15 I'm fighting with the extra weight, but this problem exists in my life from the time I was born, however in childhood it wasn't so disturbing. In the last ten years I had tried many diets, I tried to make sport, and very often I had success, but none of them lasted and finally I regained in a shorter or longer period the lost kilos. This continuous weight fluctuation affected my disposition, my health, my lifestyle and my self-confidence. As a result, I became very frustrated and one year ago I decided that I don't care about the weight, just about eating healthy. This was a wrong step, especially because what I thought about eating healthy wasn't as good for my body as I thought, even though I was very well read and documented about this subject. All my efforts for establishing a healthy lifestyle weren't successful, so I arrived last year in November to weigh 84 kg. My luck was that I found the best way for my body and lifestyle to lose weight healthily and I learnt so much about nutrition, that I adopted a new lifestyle which had a great influence also on my personality, my relations with the others and on my professional life. I have so much to share about this subject that there will be many posts regarding this, especially that I'm convinced there are millions of people having the same or similar problems as myself.
             The subject of self-education is closely connected to wellness and feeling great in every domain of life. Education is the basis on which we are building all our life, and as strong is the basis as persistent and great will be the building. But the most important is the willingness to develop every day our skills, to try to make something better than yesterday. And self-education gets here a majore role, because our capacity to learn from diferrent sources, I mean here didactic and non-didactic ones, will make the difference. Of course it is very important that we choose well these sources, because there are many misleading and wrong sources, and I will try to share every book, experience or other people's experiences which contributed to my improvement. I'm becomming a good amateur in learning from other's successes or mistakes, because these seem to me much more constructive than any theoretical knowledge.
             I'm very enthusiastic about this project and I hope that it will help many people to realize how important is to have a HEALTHY MIND IN A HEALTHY BODY. I  hope that my example will serve as motivation and I will be on the disposition of anybody who has questions or wants help. 

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Change yourself by changing your mind and the way you think

               This is an advice worthy to follow, actually it could be a rule to apply every day. From the time I discovered that it works, my life changed very much. Following the principle of THINK POSITIVE AND POSITIVE THINGS WILL HAPPEN made a big difference in my life.
               Many people can ask how could this work. My best argument is that we feel and our disposition is how we want. If from the morning we set our mind that we will have a good day, than it will be good. Of course we should know what are the things that can make our day a good one. Once we know it, our mind will be set to do those things, so the success is much more probable than as if we would start in the morning thinking about what we can't do. As much we wish positive things to happen, we will attract them to us.
              The most important is how the day is started. When I first heard about the Golden Hour and Wellness Morning I didn't pay too much attention, but starting to use them I have to admit that better than this I couldn't start to apply. The Golden Hour is the first hour after we wake up and it should be spent calmly, preparing ourselves for a great and productive day. It is the moment to energize, to plan and to motivate ourselves. For me the best practice is to read motivating, self-improving books, to check my schedule and to establish my goals for that day. Reading is very important for me, as it helps me to get some new ideas. But in this time of the day I prefer to read just books related to self-education, motivational materials for success or control over my life.
            Wellness morning is something what i need to improve, because I can apply just when I have plenty of time before starting my activities. This implies exercises, which are very important and make a big difference for the health and disposition. That's true that laziness has to be eliminated, but the benefits are more than we ever thought. It needs just initiative and perseverance.
            These ideas can seem minimalist or simple but SMALL THINGS ARE CNTRIBUTING TO BIG SUCCESSES.