This is an advice worthy to follow, actually it could be a rule to apply every day. From the time I discovered that it works, my life changed very much. Following the principle of THINK POSITIVE AND POSITIVE THINGS WILL HAPPEN made a big difference in my life.
Many people can ask how could this work. My best argument is that we feel and our disposition is how we want. If from the morning we set our mind that we will have a good day, than it will be good. Of course we should know what are the things that can make our day a good one. Once we know it, our mind will be set to do those things, so the success is much more probable than as if we would start in the morning thinking about what we can't do. As much we wish positive things to happen, we will attract them to us.
The most important is how the day is started. When I first heard about the Golden Hour and Wellness Morning I didn't pay too much attention, but starting to use them I have to admit that better than this I couldn't start to apply. The Golden Hour is the first hour after we wake up and it should be spent calmly, preparing ourselves for a great and productive day. It is the moment to energize, to plan and to motivate ourselves. For me the best practice is to read motivating, self-improving books, to check my schedule and to establish my goals for that day. Reading is very important for me, as it helps me to get some new ideas. But in this time of the day I prefer to read just books related to self-education, motivational materials for success or control over my life.
Wellness morning is something what i need to improve, because I can apply just when I have plenty of time before starting my activities. This implies exercises, which are very important and make a big difference for the health and disposition. That's true that laziness has to be eliminated, but the benefits are more than we ever thought. It needs just initiative and perseverance.
These ideas can seem minimalist or simple but SMALL THINGS ARE CNTRIBUTING TO BIG SUCCESSES.
Many people can ask how could this work. My best argument is that we feel and our disposition is how we want. If from the morning we set our mind that we will have a good day, than it will be good. Of course we should know what are the things that can make our day a good one. Once we know it, our mind will be set to do those things, so the success is much more probable than as if we would start in the morning thinking about what we can't do. As much we wish positive things to happen, we will attract them to us.
The most important is how the day is started. When I first heard about the Golden Hour and Wellness Morning I didn't pay too much attention, but starting to use them I have to admit that better than this I couldn't start to apply. The Golden Hour is the first hour after we wake up and it should be spent calmly, preparing ourselves for a great and productive day. It is the moment to energize, to plan and to motivate ourselves. For me the best practice is to read motivating, self-improving books, to check my schedule and to establish my goals for that day. Reading is very important for me, as it helps me to get some new ideas. But in this time of the day I prefer to read just books related to self-education, motivational materials for success or control over my life.
Wellness morning is something what i need to improve, because I can apply just when I have plenty of time before starting my activities. This implies exercises, which are very important and make a big difference for the health and disposition. That's true that laziness has to be eliminated, but the benefits are more than we ever thought. It needs just initiative and perseverance.
These ideas can seem minimalist or simple but SMALL THINGS ARE CNTRIBUTING TO BIG SUCCESSES.
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