Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Is LOVE blind?

    Speaking with somebody whose romantic life was quite complicated in the last year made me think about this. Considering more this issue I had to realize that she is not just the only one from my friends who was involved in a relationship which wasn't working, and even like this the partners weren't able to broke up. Looking from outside this kind of relationships we wouldn't be able to understand why they are keeping together, if they can't be happy anymore. I asked for several times these people, why they don't broke up and most frequently the answer was: 'I still love him/her'. It sounds pathetic when this kind of words are coming from people who were involved in a relationship which made them to suffer, to lose self-confidence or even it was humiliating them.
   Is this feeling really out of our control? I can't imagine how can somebody love a person who is hurting him/her or humiliating him/her voluntarily? Nobody gave me a logic explanation. Why is it accepted this situation? Is it so difficult to realize that after a major incidence the couple's life won't be never like before? Or is it just me who is overreacting this? I'm convinced that every relationship should be built on mutual respect, good communication and honesty. Without these I can't see how could be harmony in a couple's life. Of course there are many other important factors which can influence a relationship, but if these three exist problems can be resolved.
   Anybody who has an answer for my questions, please comment because sometimes I don't know how to advice my friends in this kind of situations. I simply can't understand why do they allow to suffer in the name of love. Why can love mean pain and humiliation for some people?

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