Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Post-Easter thoughts

Easter...it seems to me one of the most controversial events/holidays of the year. It would imply to live too many emotions if we want to interpret it in the religious point of view. It implies many oppositions like death-resurrection, pain-joy, sadness-happiness, etc. It's quite confusing, and possibly many people will never get into the religious meaning of Easter. I think I'm one of them. This year meant for me to spend more time with my family and my closest friends, not to suffer and revive after that.
Probably it's not the right attitude for celebrating Easter, but I didn't want to feel depressed at all in this few days I had on my disposition to spend with my family, so I didn't really think about the religious meaning. I know it's wrong, but I tried to ignore it. Sometimes the purpose of the holiday is over-dramatized, people thinking that if they assume the pain and sufferance of Jesus, they can purify themselves. I'm not convinced that this is true. I don't demand it to be wrong, everybody can decide alone in what to believe, but somebody's life or personality can't be changed just by overtaking the pains of the person considered the salvation of the humanity.

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