Thursday, March 22, 2012

We can do it!

Probably I will seem a feminist...perhaps it is right, but i am convinced that every women have the same rights as men, deserve the respect and consideration for what they are and for what they are capable. Of course, everybody is different, but our acts, words, strengths, weaknesses  and personality should determine how men are judging us or appreciating us, and not the fact that we are WOMEN.
I would like to believe that living in the 21 century, in the EU, surrounded with many powerful women's example, the discrimination against women is not a problem in our society. Unfortunately it is, and quite a big problem. Day by day we can hear about women fallen victims of domestic violence, discrimination at the work place and many other situations in which they are humiliated, underestimated or simply ignored.
My answer is BECAUSE THEY ALLOW IT. I know it sounds cynical, but it depends just on women how much they respect and appreciate themselves. Many would say that it is easy to affirm this, but the circumstances can oblige one to do or to accept things which hurt and degrade them. I think that actually they are just afraid to change, afraid of being free and owner on their lives. Many of my friends, members of my family experienced this, and I arrived to the conclusion that the best solution against this is protecting our independence and dignity. Independence is again a term which could be widely debated. I mean under this, that every woman should have a security on both sentimental and material level, a sort of plan B for the case she will remain alone.
 I believe that an independent, strong woman with dignity and high self-esteem will know to handle any kind of situation. However it is hard to become a woman like that. Most of us don't have the luck to 'inherit' these attributes, and will have to get after a training of the life, which usually is hard. We should consider our freedom and dignity as one the most precious values, and our life can be so much different from our moms or from all those whose experiences we don't want to share.
We have right to the chance to create a good living, to express our opinions and to take the decisions for our own life. Perhaps in this way men will understand and consider us as equals and as partners.

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