Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Which is the right way?

I'm wondering what should I do with my life. There are so many dreams, goals in my life, but i can't see how they can be fulfilled. It is painful to realize that indifferently of studies and personal skills there are no chances to start a career without a good material background.
I'm sure that millions of young people from all over the world are sharing my fears regarding the future. It's unfair that all depends on money, good personal contacts or luck, but without these, knowledge, studies and competence means almost nothing in finding a good job. Two years before I was much more confident and optimistic, I thought that Romanian people are taking the habit to complain and to be satisfied, and actually it depends on everybody's willingness to find a good job. Nowadays I got convinced that it doesn't depend on how much I want to have a good job, but how many people I know who has a certain influence at a company.
My problem is that I barely know anybody in this city, and in my hometown there are even less chances for a career than here.
I asked myself many many times what am I doing wrong? Why others can and I can't find the way ? ...
In spite of disappointment and fails I taught myself that every bad thing which doesn't kill me, it will strengthen me. I arrived to the conclusion that if I don't get the chance for a career, I will build one for myself, even though it will be very hard at the beginning, This should be the way.
Every young person, who is looking for a better future, should decide what is the purpose in his or her life, what can be the motivation, and than fight for it, to keep firm in this and the results will come with time.

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